Saturday, February 21, 2009

Project decisions and work group

Our work group wiki is really starting to take shape. Our group was able to meet on Wednesday at Panera. Frank was unable to attend due to car problems, but we'll get him caught up. Sophia was able to create some graphics for our Wiki logo and it really looks great. It is now time to start adding real shareable content and photos that we may want to share.

It was decided that Chris and I would work together on a project to design a Wiki that would address the problems with technology etiquette. We have to decide what technologies we will be addressing and then do the research to set some guidelines for the proper protocol for the use of the tools. We both see a problem in this area in the companies we work and we are hoping to take the final product to our employers and possibly incorporate them into the business. I'm not sure how far I can dig when it comes to global considerations, but I should be able to find out.

The following link discusses the need to use technology with good manners. I found it interesting and a good jumping off point for our project.

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