Tuesday, April 7, 2009

IDT744 Musings

I always find this type of course interesting because you go into it not really knowing what to expect. I never expected that I would be creating a wiki with Chris or that I would really enjoy it. It has been a great creative outlet, but an educational one as well. I have learned much about techetiquette, netetiquette, or whatever it should be referred to and am increasingly aware of just how much something like this is needed in the world. We need a compilation of all of this material and a wiki is a great tool because we are able to put the information out there and allow people to add to it or make comments if they feel something needs corrected. They might be able to add stories or antidotes or humor if they like.

I'm glad I've had this opportunity and I hope I don't lose touch with everyone once the course is over. Of course, with email, wiki, blogging, chat, etc. there really is no excuse to not stay in touch if you want to do it. :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Work continues

Both of the Wiki's are coming along nicely. Sophia has done a wonderful job with the graphics for both of them. Chris and I continue to gather information and ideas. I am finding that I do like the functionality of the Wiki. I am hoping onel be available when our company fully implements our LMS system. It may be an uphill battle because we do not traditionally use this type of communication and it will take some convincing by those that do know what a Wiki is and why it may be used.

I will continue to look for information about the use of manners with the different technologies. It has actually been interesting to watch how people I work with use the different technologies in inappropriate ways. Once Chris and I have created this manual of technology etiquette I really want to be able to share it with the company. I think people will be surprised at how many rules of etiquette they break on a regular basis.

Happy blogging!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Project decisions and work group

Our work group wiki is really starting to take shape. Our group was able to meet on Wednesday at Panera. Frank was unable to attend due to car problems, but we'll get him caught up. Sophia was able to create some graphics for our Wiki logo and it really looks great. It is now time to start adding real shareable content and photos that we may want to share.

It was decided that Chris and I would work together on a project to design a Wiki that would address the problems with technology etiquette. We have to decide what technologies we will be addressing and then do the research to set some guidelines for the proper protocol for the use of the tools. We both see a problem in this area in the companies we work and we are hoping to take the final product to our employers and possibly incorporate them into the business. I'm not sure how far I can dig when it comes to global considerations, but I should be able to find out.

The following link discusses the need to use technology with good manners. I found it interesting and a good jumping off point for our project.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Weekly Reflection

I'm a little posting to my blog this week, but it has actually been a pretty successful week. The work group has been established and a Wiki has been created. We are using the WetPaint tool and the suggestion of Chris and I really like the way it works. It is pretty easy to figure out and customizeable. It was also helpful that Chris offered to meet with everyone and have a mini training session. I think that really helped with everyone's comfort level with the tool. I have been able to organize my page in the way I intend to add content. We are going to meet again as a group next Wednesday to discuss the Wiki, etc. I think the more comfortable we are with each other the better prepared we will be to offer real assistance.

The project requirements were also further clarified this week so I am much more clear on what will be needed. I wasn't aware we would actually be creating an end product with our chosen tool. Putting together presentations is one thing, creating a social network is something entirely different. As always, I am being pushed somewhat out of my comfort level, but it is really going to benefit me in my professional life as well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weekly thoughts

I'm still struggeling with the Wiki, but I think I am getting a pretty good handle on the blog and what I can do with it. I'm not really certain what I would do with a blog in the future but I'll figure that out soon enough.

I believe I have a group to work with towards my project, but now we need to choose a Wiki to use and start sharing information. I know I can figure it out, but hopefully one of my team members have some experience with this. Either way I am ready to get moving. There seems to be a bit of reluctance by everyone to make a move forward. I realize the traditional classroom has the teacher hand feeding the information, but I also know that is not what this class is all about. I think the face-to-face next week will help a lot.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, once again, with all of the technology that is being used that I am unfamiliar with at this time. I have never used a Wiki so I am having a little trouble keeping up with those postings and I have never used a blog so working through that as well. My goal this week is to get totally comfortable with both.

I am also questioning whether I should have taken two classes this semester. Work is crazy but I have been told I will be traveling extensively for our global training initiatives. I know I need to finish these classes to move on, but this is going to be a challenging semester.

I spoke briefly with my director about social networking and how it could be used at Mylan. The first challenge is to overcome the idea that a "social" network can be used as a business tool and not just another way for employees to goof off. I guess my project has been defined. I need to find the right social network for use by the company, or at the very least, our department. I will have to right a really good proposal or it will go nowhere.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My first reactions

Once again I am mildly uncomfortable with all the new technology. For example, I have never created a blog before so I haven't even thought about any serious posts because I am still learning the tool and the fun things I can do with it.

I can tell already though that the class is going to be fun and challenging. It always takes a week or so to relax and go with the pace of the class.