Sunday, February 1, 2009


I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, once again, with all of the technology that is being used that I am unfamiliar with at this time. I have never used a Wiki so I am having a little trouble keeping up with those postings and I have never used a blog so working through that as well. My goal this week is to get totally comfortable with both.

I am also questioning whether I should have taken two classes this semester. Work is crazy but I have been told I will be traveling extensively for our global training initiatives. I know I need to finish these classes to move on, but this is going to be a challenging semester.

I spoke briefly with my director about social networking and how it could be used at Mylan. The first challenge is to overcome the idea that a "social" network can be used as a business tool and not just another way for employees to goof off. I guess my project has been defined. I need to find the right social network for use by the company, or at the very least, our department. I will have to right a really good proposal or it will go nowhere.


  1. I have confidence that you will make a success of this--seems to me you are doing very well. Once again, you are keeping up with your work, but your classmates are not doing quite as well!

  2. DeAnn, check your email when you get a chance-

